Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New logement!

I have moved to a new place! I wasn't feeling the dorm situation so much. It was a lot of fun during the pre-session when we were all in Triolet but then a lot of my friends moved into homestays and I decided I wanted to as well. Also the dorm I was in before was such a FAR walk from the tram stop that I didn't really feel safe at night walking back. The street I had to walk back on was a bit shady too.

But now I am much happier in my home stay. It's a bit further down the tram but that is fine because the walk isn't as long and it's much less sketchy since it's a family neighborhood. There is also a bus stop that's about a two minute walk so I can take the bus in the mornings to the tram if I'm feeling lazy. Or if I'm late, as usual, I have to sprint up to the tram and arrive in class panting. I need to get better about that. I will change my habits tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm living with a family named LaFon. M and Mme LaFon are so cute and kind. I can tell they've been doing this for a while- they have their system down pat. They have two daughters, both who live on their own. I haven't met one of them, but the other one Ann, is really nice and comes over for dinner a lot. We're actually going to the theatre tonight! Just a small comedy theatre but I'm really excited.

Right now there are four other students living in the house- there are quite a few bedrooms. Two of the kids (boys) are leaving Friday though, they were only here for a two week program from Switzerland. There are 200 kids on that program so right now Montpellier is overwhelmed with Swiss kids, especially at the bars (one bar in particular, they all seem to flock to the Australian). The other two are girls are named Martina and Andrea. Martina is 19 from Switzerland also and Andrea is 17 from Colombia. I actually just came back from Germany with her. A different post to come about that trip.

So to wrap things up, I like living here. And I would advise anyone studying abroad to do a homestay over living in the dorms- you get a better feel for the culture and the food is AMAZING. Also I get to practice my French pretty much 24/7 (English is frowned upon in our house but if I'm feeling too exhausted from speaking French all day I'll speak in English to Martina or Andrea).

Side note about the food: meals are very systematic. Every night for dinner we start with soup. Once everyone has finished, the salad is brought out. Then comes the main course, usually meat with another plat principal (main course). After the meat is the cheese round and then finally is dessert. Most nights they have fruit for dessert and I usually have a little thing of flan. Mmhm. Dinner is in 5 minutes so I'm starving right now writing this post.

Sorry there were no pictures! I haven't taken any of the house yet.

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