One of the boys I au pair for, Alban, is a couple months shy of 2 years old. Meaning he hasn't quite mastered the art of language.
In other words, he can only mutter and mispronounce certain words as opposed to his brother Loan, who is 4 years old and speaks extremely well for his age (and often corrects my French).
For the first month or so that I was in Moliets, Alban didn't really refer to me as anything. However, when others said "Sarah" he knew exactly who they were talking about. I didn't feel bad though because he couldn't say Loan's name either, he just called him 'Alban.' I think he thought all kids were named Alban. However, he has since progressed and now calls his brother 'Alon.' Close enough, although I worry he's going to be dyslexic.
Emily, one of my friends from Dax, came to visit in mid-July and I was jealous at how quickly Alban caught onto saying her name (all of 5 minutes). As for me, still nothing.
A couple weeks later Natasha, another friend from Dax, came to visit. Yet again, Alban caught on extremely quickly to saying her name. Again, I was jealous. Sarah is much easier to say than Natasha. Even 'Sawah' would suffice.
However, for some reason when Natasha left, Alban decided he was going to start calling me 'Tasha.' I don't know if he just gave up completely on my name, or started doing it to bug me. At first it did annoy me, which I made clear and I think is part of why he latched on to calling me that. I thought that after a week or two he would forget and go back to not calling me anything or trying to make some attempts at pronouncing my name. Nope.
Here were are two months later and he still calls me Tasha.
Everyone just accepts it now. Me, Loan, the parents and even the grandparents.
So feel free to just call me Tasha.